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E-commerce optimization using on-site SEO To Increase Buyers

time November 18, 2017
E-commerce optimization using on-site SEO To Increase Buyers

You own an E-commerce site and you want to optimize its SEO,increase its organic traffic,drive more buyers? If you want to sell via your website to make profits, you must follow certain rules to do E-commerce optimization. Indeed, being able to go back in Google search results requires a lot of effort and SEO work. In this article, we will detail 7 on-site techniques to improve your website SEO.

1- Density the description of products

Since Ecommerce sites generally have a very large number of products, the descriptions of these are very short(below 200 words), automated and provided by the manufacturer.Unfortunately, this creates some problems for the whole website SEO and the traffic.

  • Short descriptions give search engines very little content to work on, which is a major problem for Ecommerce websites owners.The search results After analyzing 1 million results, we concluded that the longer content generally works better in ranking, on average, the word count in the results of the first page of Google is 1890.
  • Automated descriptions that only exchange a few words each time can create duplicate content issues.which definitely can make a drop in your website rank.
  • The descriptions provided by the manufacturer are almost identical from one site to another. This means that you do not provide anything unique or new for search engines to index your pages. This has the consequence that they have no reason to rank you above your competitors.

It is not always possible to manually update the product descriptions for each page of your Ecommerce site, but this action may not be necessary to resolve these issues. If you want to value certain pages over others, it can have a devastating effect on the rest of your site.

An Australian retailer, saw its traffic via search engines increase 116%in just in 4 months. The double of visits has doubled its sales and his profit. Although many changes have been made to bring about this result, much of the effort has been devoted to product descriptions. Initially, the site did not have a unique description for each product, nor content within the pages. By adding these descriptions, much of the puzzle has been completed and Google respected the site.

When Google released Panda’s update, many of retailers notice that their online Ecommerce sites are around a 38.5% drop in organic traffic. Indeed, the product descriptions were provided by the publishers; as a result, they were identical to the descriptions found on many other sites. This duplicate content was not the taste of Google – hence the decline in traffic to the site. Eliminating duplicate descriptions and replacing them with unique descriptions can help to solve this problem. Opening your site to user-generated content, such as journals, can also help you introduce new content to reduce the proportion that’s duplicated – a strategy that has obviously worked wonders for Amazon.

2- Show all user reviews (including reviews)

In addition to diluting duplicate content, user comments appear to affect search results in other ways. It is not entirely clear whether the presence of criticism directly or indirectly affects the results of search engines, but the impact is clear and unambiguous.

The result after 9 months of analysis more than 30,000 companies that added user reviews to their site and measured how organic search traffic was impacted. we found that the number of pages viewed via organic traffic increased by more than 30%. It is true that reviews can be scary because it allows buyers to leave negative comments about your products. However, there is evidence that user reviews and comments increase the conversion rate. As odd as it may sound, a variety of comments and notes about your products improve conversions even more than just 5-star ratings. If you are hesitant to include user comments because of concerns about negative feedback or because of implementation difficulties, I strongly recommend that you change your mind. Indeed, the impact on your e-commerce site is almost certain to be positive.

3- Optimize the keywords referring to your brand

Perhaps one of the most common problems in terms of Ecommerce on-site SEO. Indeed, many product pages on an e-commerce site are simply not developed by having keywords defined in advance. The typical page of a product is built around the name of the brand or model of the product. It is possible for consumers to search with these words, so they should be included in the “title tag” and other important locations on the page. That said, it is also possible that users do not search for the brand name or exact model name, especially when it is a much less popular brand.

For this reason, it is important to include more generic phrases on your pages. This is not to say that you should give up the use of niche keywords. This means that it is very important to put it in the skin of the consumer who is researching your product. Go beyond your simple image and focus on the mechanics that brings a user to your site. Here you can find the case study of White Hat Holsters. This company did exactly that and the result was a 100% increase in sales and a 400% increase in search engine traffic.

For that it is necessary:

  • Use keyword-generating tools and competitive research analyzes to identify the phrases and words that consumers use to find products like yours.
  • Analyze meta-descriptions, images, URLs and headers.
  • Choose from three to five keywords per page closely related to your target and integrate them into the important parts of your pages.
  • Create a blog to capture the keywords searched by consumers who were further into the funnel.

4- Create informational content

It is very difficult to rank keywords according to what they report and it is usually a failing strategy to focus too heavily on them. This means that you neglect the keywords of information that target customers who are a little further in the funnel. By shifting your focus to more informational, less competitive keywords, your reputation will be enhanced on the search engines.

How to increase traffic and drive Buyers to your Ecommerce site by 1780% using an interesting keyword method called  the “double risk technique”?

  • Adding the URLs of the site pages in the Google Keyword Planner to get keywords.
  • Focus on keyword information instead of transaction keywords.
  • Use search “site: [keyword]” to identify which page on the site has the highest ranking potential for the keyword .
  • Search forums to find the types of questions people were asking about these informational keywords using an “inurl: forum [keyword]” .

5- Plan properly the redesign of your website

Many people, after updating their site, have seen their traffic drastically drop and their position on Google back. This experience is very painful because the redesign of a site is intended to modernize and beautify it to maximize conversions.

If you implement a redesign of your site without taking into account the website SEO or E-commerce optimization, you go right into the wall. Well-ranked pages will lose their beauty, content that drives traffic can be rearranged and search results can change.

The redesign removed several key pages that brought the traffic to your site, this also created several 404 errors. Your PageRank can therefore decrease very strongly.Because The redesign caused copies of pages, producing duplicate content which can cause the penalty of the site via the algorithm of Google,and All the authority that the site had accumulated in the past has almost been reduced to nothing.So,Do not run a website redesign without the help of a SEO professional.

6- Optimize migration between Ecommerce platforms

It’s no secret, most Ecommerce sites are built using third-party platforms. This is a “win-win” arrangement that allows Ecommerce companies to focus more on their E-commerce optimization and less on web development. It is not uncommon for a site to change platforms and move to another as its market share increases, or simply to access features unavailable to competitors. Unfortunately, this change of platforms can sometimes affect rankings in search engines.As in the case of redesigning a site, make sure that a SEO professional is involved every time you update your eCommerce platform.

7- Optimize the most promising keywords

In the keywords section, we mentioned the “double risk” technique. In addition to focusing on the keywords of information, part of the success of the strategy also lies in the fact that it takes advantage of the already promising keywords. We mentioned that technique involves analyzing a site: identifying which page on the site ranks best for any given keyword. A related method of identifying keywords is to analyze your rankings to see which keywords are already working well and what needs to be done to optimize them.

  • Identify pages that already ranked well enough for the keywords.
  • Update those pages by changing titles, headers, and content to better highlight those keywords.
  • Link building: to obtain relevant links on the web.
  • Improve the quality of the content on the site.

There are two main methods that you can use to optimize promising keywords. The first is to run your URLs via Google Keyword Planner as in the technique of “double risk”. The second is to identify in Google Search Console or a tool like SEMrush keywords that rank on the second page of the results.

If these keywords are here without being optimized, they are a golden opportunity, and you should capitalize on them by updating your titles, headers and content. In the process, it’s important to make sure that you cannibalize your rankings for larger keywords and, of course, check that changes to the content will be useful to users and not detract from the main message you want to convey.